O Selenu Gomez sa zaújímate stále viac a preto som vám pridala aj kratší rozhovor a niečo o nej:
Celé meno: Selena Marie Gomez
Povolanie: herečka, speváčka
Vek: 16
Dátum narodenia: 22.07.1992
Znamenie: Rak
Obľúbený predmet: fyzika, veda
Rodičia: Mandy Teffy Gomez a nevlastný otec Brian
Ako vyzerá chalan tvojich snov?
-Musí byť úprimný, musí ma vedieť rozosmiat a v prvom rade muí byť aj môj kamarát!
Ako sa skončil tvoj údajný spor s Miley Cyrus?
- Myslím, že Miley bude so mnou súhlasiť, keď poviem, že na svete sa deje množstvo oveľa dôležitejších vecí než nejake pletky. Obe máme čo robiť a nebudeme strácať drahocenný čas hlúpym hašterením.
Ako zvládaš slávu?
-Celkom v pohode. Takýto život sa mi páči, ale rozhodne sa ani menšími nepríjemnosťami nenechám ovládať.
Čo pre také dievča ako ty znamená byť silnou?
-Dôležité je zdravé sebavedomie. neustále si musím vravieť, že to dokážem. Tiež si musím dávať pozor na to, čo vravím, čo robím a s kým chodievam von.
Prehľad komentárov
TESTIMONY TESTIMONY TESTIMONY Hello friends!!! My name is Jeff Chandler. I want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 3 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay a lot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. I lost my hard earn money and it was a total of $1,000.00. One day I was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when I came across a testimony of a woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called mr peter Loan Company and where she finally got her loan, so I decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how I have been scammed by 3 different lenders who did nothing but to cause me more pain. I explain to the company by whattsApp (+2349063879939) you can also Email the company on their Email Address on ( ( and all they told me was to cry no more because I will get my loan in their company and also I have made the right choice of contacting them. I filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my greatest astonishment I was given a loan amount of $580,000.00 US Dollars at a very low interest rate of 4% by this great Company. if there is anyone who is also in need of an urgent loan should kindly whattsapp this great loan company offers on (+2349063879939) or kindly email them. ( ( managed by mr peter loan a God fearing man and here I am today happy because this company has given me a loan so I made a vow to my self that I will keep testifying on the internet on how I got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via whattsApp +2349063879939. or Email ( ( and share your own testimony thanks. Peter loan company offers is a great company and they are the only loan lender who can offers you loan without collateral others are fraud. Mr peter is a very good and kind man he is a God fearing man And i believe God has sent him to come and help us so any one who is really in need of an urgent loan should contact him own and get your instant loan thanks once again. contact him on (+2349063879939). OR Email him on ( ( and celebrate by sharing your own great testimony too do not lose this great opportunity thanks.
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(Nika, 31. 7. 2012 13:33)že selena je hrozna to som ešte nepočula ani nečitala všetkich ludi čo poznam hovoria že sel je naj a to je pravda.milujem ju.
(SSim, 9. 4. 2012 18:28)
Poviem vám jedno: ten rozhovor bol v KAMARÁTOVI alebo v akých koľvek časopisoch a ešte že súhlasím že Selena je naj super herecka spevacka na svete ale bože ľudia však si vytvorte fan club pre Selenu.
Aj na stránke môžte!!!!!!!!!!!§
Re: Rozhovor
(Evelina Mrvová, 24. 2. 2012 21:17)ahoj Selena Gomez ja jsem tvuj fanoušek chci vediet ci maš facebook a ako sa volaš na facebooku? ja sa volam Evelina Mrvova a chci mit tvuj autogram
Selena Gomez
(Martinka Palovčíková , 2. 1. 2011 12:26)Si naaaaaaaaaaaaajlepšia!Som tvoja velká fanušička.Mám ta rada.Si najlepšia herečka na svete!
(jhk šcvrgtvc gš,vhgš, 19. 11. 2010 14:48)
I love selena
(I love selena, 22. 7. 2010 23:44)ma 18 dnes xD hhh ja ji miluju boze nechapu proc ale jo
I love selena
(I love selena, 22. 7. 2010 23:44)ma 18 dnes xD hhh ja ji miluju boze nechapu proc ale jo
(Mayah, 9. 5. 2010 15:51)Pekný zivotopis. Stále ti nestací? kukni tento: :D
(monday, 9. 7. 2019 15:48)